Award of Merit for CraftMark Bakery Project

CraftMark Bakeries is a national industrial bakery that produces frozen bread dough for restaurants and bakeries. The existing facility is a 225,000-square-foot building that was originally built in 2014. Last year, Gaylor Electric along with ESI Design Services and several other subcontractors designed and built-out a 56-million dollar, 120,000-square foot addition to the existing building.

This two-story 121,215-square-foot food processing expansion included underground, complete power distribution to the site, (2) 3,000 amp services, install 5,000 ft. of 4” PVC, fire alarm system, data system, and extended fiber from the existing building to new MDF and compressors. Because this building is a food processing facility, strict “clean room” standards were applied to all light fixtures and rigid aluminum conduit drops into the cleanroom from an above walkable ceiling.

The facility now hosts a new cookie and muffin line, 16,000-square-foot freezer – complete with heat trace cable through the floor, and new office space.”  To see more information on this exciting project visit

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